This 6 episode show follows organizers Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin as they aim to "transform" the lives of their clients by decluttering closets, organizing pantries and kitchens and other areas but their using their signature rainbow style. While everything they do looks pretty and this girl with OCD tendencies can appreciate and love what they are doing, this show is annoying and these two girls and VERY annoying. They act like each situation is a complex surgery and they are the only ones capable of performing it. They talk over each other, get stressed over the stupidest things, try to convince us that they do what they do in one day (which is ridiculous) and involve celebrities to try and make people watch it more. Who doesn't want to see the inside of Khloe Kardashians home. Overall it seems to be an ad for the Container Store who I imagine is a big sponsor. I do appreciate all the rainbow organizing.
I give this whole show 3 bottles of wine.